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Applying the concepts of qi, blood, and water in Eastern herbal medicine to the skin
"Qi, blood, and water" are the elements that make up the human body, and one of the most representative concepts of Eastern herbal medicine is that the body and mind function normally when the three elements of “qi, blood, and water” circulate smoothly throughout the body without excess or deficiency.
When it comes to the skin, maintaining a balance of the three elements of qi, blood, and water will help improve your skin's potential for beautiful skin.
It is the energy that supports vital activities and it is the driving force behind every function in the body. When the flow of qi is blocked or insufficient, it can have an effect on the mind and body, making you more easily tired and depressed.
It is considered to be the energy that each cell possesses, and becomes the vital energy for fibroblasts that produce collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are important for firm and glowy skin.
Skin condition where qi is deficient or stagnant
When individual cells have little energy, the function of dermal fibroblasts, which produce collagen and hyaluronic acid, is weakened.
Specific skin concerns
Lack of elasticity, lack of luster, etc.
It transports nutrients and moisture through the blood vessels. It also supports mental activity, and a lack of blood flow or stagnation of blood flow can cause pale complexion, as well as nutritional deficiencies that can lead to rough skin. It also leads to symptoms of insomnia and anxiety.
It is the turnover of the epidermis, which is responsible for skin tone, that expels dead skin cells and melanin and produces new skin.
Skin condition where blood is deficient or stagnant
When epidermal turnover is delayed and stratum corneum cells that should be expelled remain in the skin, dark spots and dullness appear on the surface of the skin.
Specific skin concerns
Uneven color tone, dryness, dullness, etc.
It is equivalent to all body fluids other than blood, and is considered to be involved in water metabolism and provides moisture to the skin. If the flow of water is blocked or insufficient, it can lead to various problems such as swelling and dryness.
It is considered a natural moisturizing factor (NMF), a source of moisture. It is produced during the turnover process, binds with water, and has the effect of retaining moisture.
Skin condition where water is deficient or stagnant
When the natural moisturizing factor (NMF) is low, the skin is unable to retain moisture.
Specific skin concerns
Dryness, peeling, etc.
Herbal medicine-derived beauty ingredients that approach three types of stagnation
The beauty ingredients that approach each of qi, blood, and water are blended to regulate the circulation of the skin.
Beauty ingredient:Ginseng extract[Fibroblast Activation, Anti-Inflammation, Moisturization]
Promotes the proliferation of fibroblasts, which produce collagen and hyaluronic acid. It leads to skin with elasticity and luster.

Beauty ingredient:Sasa veitchii extract[Promotes turnover and moisturizing]
Promotes the proliferation of epidermal cells and promotes skin turnover. It leads to even skin without dark spots and dullness.

Beauty ingredient:Inula flower extract[Filaggrin production and moisturizing]
It promotes the production of filaggrin, a component that retains moisture. It leads to moisturized skin without dryness or peeling skin.